Publications scientifiques

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Etude de l’intention d’usage des plateformes d’e-formation dans les universités marocaines (cas des MOOC) : Une comparaison entre deux modèles : TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) versus TPB (Theory of Planned Behaviour)  (NINDEX) International Journal of Business & Economic Strategy
La communication professeur-étudiant dans un contexte de formation hybride (NINdex) La revue internationale francophone dédiée aux innovatrices et innovateurs pédagogiques
L’enseignement à distance : l’émergence des MOOCs au Maroc. (NINDEX) La revue internationale francophone dédiée aux innovatrices et innovateurs pédagogiques
The Moroccan university and the programs of training in entrepreneurship: state of play, issues and critical look (NINDEX) Journal fundamental and Applied Sciences
L’instauration du caractère entrepreneurial de l’université marocaine  et le développement d’une culture entrepreneuriale régionale (NINDEX) Revue Marocaine de l’Entrepreneuriat, de l’Innovation et du Management
Le rôle de l’éducation à l’entrepreneuriat dans le  développement de la culture entrepreneuriale des  étudiants universitaires : Proposition d’un modèle  théorique (NINDEX) Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat  et de l’Innovation
L’intégration des indicateurs de la RSE dans les systèmes de contrôle : recherche d’efficience et d’efficacité ou recherche de légitimité ? Proposition d’un modèle explicatif.  (NINDEx) Revue D’Etudes en Management et Finance d’Organisation
LA RSE EST-ELLE UNE SOURCE D’INNOVATION POUR LA PME ? (NINDEX) Revue D’Etudes en Management et Finance d’Organisation
The phenomen of High Growth SMEs (Gazelles)Part 1 : A Systemic Review of literature and Implications of Further Reaserch » (NINDEX) International Journal of Economics&Strategy Management of Business Process
The phenomen of High Growth SMEs (Gazelles) Part 2 : «  A Conceptual Model And Research Agenda »  (NINnDEX) International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineerig, andTechnology(IJSSMET)
Développement de l’esprit entrepreneurial chez les étudiants (nindex) Revue d’etudes en management et finance d’organisation
Le rôle de la GRH dans la promotion de la dynamique intrapreneuriale (NINDEX) International Journal of Business & Economic Strategy
Promoting student’s entrepreneurial mindset: Moroccan Case (NINDex) Transnational corporation review
L’instauration du caractère entrepreneurial de l’université marocaine  et le développement d’une culture entrepreneuriale régionale (NINDEX) Revue Marocaine de l’Entrepreneuriat, de l’Innovation et du Management
Le rôle de l’éducation à l’entrepreneuriat dans le  développement de la culture entrepreneuriale des  étudiants universitaires : Proposition d’un modèle  théorique. (NINDEX) Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat  et de l’Innovation
La Revue Internationale des Sciences de Gestion
L’intervention du CAC dans les opérations juridiques spécifiques La Revue Internationale du Chercheur
L’impact des caractéristiques du brand content sur l’engagement des consommateurs dans les médias sociaux : une revue de littérature systématique Revue Recherches et Pratiques Marketing
Les pratiques d’enseignement à distance au Maroc dans un contexte de covid-19 : Etude de cas d’un lycée Revue des Dynamiques Sécuritaires et Numériques
L’impact de la religion sur le secteur bancaire au Maroc cas des banques participatives la Revue Contrôle de la comptabilité et d’audit
Political Marketing in Morocco: From Theories to Stereotypes, De nition and Comparison International Review of Management and Marketing
Les déterminants macroéconomiques de la défaillance des emprunteurs : cas d’une banque marocaine Revue D’Etudes en Management et Finance D’Organisation N°9
La place du citoyen dans les finances publiques au Maroc Dialogues  -Revue des Etudes politiques et Sociales, n° double 4&5
L’insuffisante élaboration de la loi organique n° 130.13 relative aux lois de finances au Maroc La Revue « AL-Arabiya » des études juridiques, économiques et sociales n° 4
citoyen dans les institutions de l’évaluation des politiques publiques Revue Marocaine  d’audit et de développement (REMA) n° 48
Contribution à l’étude de l’impact de l’identification à un club sportif sur l’efficacité du sponsoring Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing
L’influence des avis en ligne sur l’intention d’achat du consommateur des produits de l’hébergement touristique : une proposition de typologie des consommateurs marocains Question(s) de Management
La recherche d’information par le consommateur et l’influence interpersonnelle dans l’espace virtuel : fondements théoriques et particularités Recherches et Pratiques Marketing
Assessment of Individual Performance at Work in Companies : A Critical Study Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
Assessment of Employees: An Individualistic Approach Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
Career success conception among generation Y executives Revue Internationale des affaires et des stratégies Economique
Innovation in Clusters : Proposal for an analytical framework Revue Internationale des Affaires et des Stratégies Économiques
Mise en Place d’un Système d’Information pour la Gouvernance de l’Université Marocaine : Une Pratique Managériale Durable International Journal of Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process (ESMB)
L’Evaluation et l’Assurance Qualité dans les Universités Marocaines International Journal of Economics&Strategic Management of Business Process (ESMB).
 Le traitement juridique des conventions réglementées la Revue Droit et Affaires
Ethics across Cultures: A Comparison of Ethical Perceptions in the United States and Morocco SAM Advanced Management Journal
Évaluation des performances individuelles au travail : cas d’un Établissement public marocain Revue d’Études en Management et Finance d’Organisation (REMFO)
Les clusters et l’internationalisation des PME International Journal of Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process
Le développement de la propriété intellectuelle dans les universités marocaines International Journal of Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process (ESMB)
L’évaluation et l’assurance qualité dans les universités publiques marocaines International Journal of Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process (ESMB)
Les valeurs de consommation des produits bio et « beldi » au Maroc Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing
Exploring some determinant causes and effects of distrusting the public sector in Morocco الفكر السياسي ..أسئلة وقضايا – في مدارات الحرية والإصلاح والدستور – تنسيق حسن طارق – منشورات الجمعية المغربية للعلوم السياسية
How can Universities in Morocco develop democratic citizenship and human rights based values more efficiently? The case of the Faculty of Law in Settat From Democratic Transition to Democracy Learning , published by German Foundation Konrad Adenauer in Morocco
Assessment of Key Policy, Legal and Institutional Mechanisms Required for the Development and Implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Selected SEMED Countries | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development  ( Ouvrage collectif), Publication of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London , UK
The State of Scientific Research and Research Training in Moroccan Universities: Doctoral Students’ Perceptions Arab World English Journal (AWEJ)
L’effet du parrainage sur l’image de marque : Cas de Méditel Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing
Audit and rationalization of public expenditure: Case of the Chaouia Ouardigha region International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
Territorial intelligence and attractiveness : Case Model of French industrial parks in Morocco International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
Performance des vendeurs en plafonnement de carrière: rôle de la récompense International Journal of Business and Economic Strategy (IJBES)
La marque employeur comme déterminant de choix des entreprises par les chercheurs d’emploi de la Génération Y Cas du Maroc International Journal of Business and Economic Strategy (IJBES)
La RSE comme outil de motivation du capital humain pour combattre les RPS Dossier de Recherches en Economie et Gestion
The impact of culture on the use of social media in travel destination search The Journal of Macro Trends in Social Science
Moroccan Human Ecological Behavior: Grounded Theory Approach Academic Research International
The lean Six Sigma and experiences in African countries International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
The national Security Council and the emergence  of a new public policy Politiques de Sécurité et risques terroristes entre les mesures immédiates et les stratégies futures , in: Dialogues- Revue des Etudes Politiques et Sociales
Collection  » Colloques et Forums »,N.5
Publicité et comportement du consommateur, quelle place pour le wait marketing ? La Revue Économie & Kapital
Do relationships matter in export performance enhancement? Evidences from Moroccan SMEs Chinese Business Review
Printemps Arabe et Mouvements sociaux Ou Va le monde arabe? Les enjeux de sa  transition ,Editions Erik Bonnier ,Paris,France
Electrochemical Behavior of Steels Hastelloy C2000 and SAF 2205 Heat Treated and Inhibition Effect of SO42- Against their Corrosion in 1 M H3PO4 ANALYTICAL & BIOANALYTICAL ELECTROCHEMISTRY
Thin films derived from Zn(Al)O mixed metal oxides nanoparticles dispersed in polyethylene glycol: Structural, morphological and optical properties Ceramics International
THE THERMOCHEMICAL CALCULATIONS TO FOLLOW UP WATER TREATMENT BY THE CALCIUM CARBONATE (CALCIUM HYDROXIDE AND CALCIUM OXIDE) Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7578-8/20/03…$15.00 for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7578-8/20/03…$15.00
Eco-friendly Chamaerops humilis L. fruit extract corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1 M HCl Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib
Variation in minerals, polyphenolics and antioxidant activity of pulp, seed and almond of different Ziziphus species grown in Morocco. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology
Non-linear optical study of hierarchical 3D Al doped ZnO nanosheet arrays deposited by successive ionic adsorption and reaction method Optics & Laser Technology
Extraordinary visible photocatalytic activity of a Co0.2Zn0.8O system studied in the Remazol BB oxidation, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
Chemical     Composition     of   Essential    Oils   and   their   Antifungal     Activity    in Controlling   Ascochyta rabiei Journal of Agricultural  Science and Technology
Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacological Activities of Quercus Species Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Genus Ziziphus: A comprehensive review on ethnopharmacological, phytochemical and pharmacological properties. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
Combining SWAT model and regionalization approach to estimate soil erosion under limited data availability conditions Eurasian Soil Science
Numerical modeling of structural capacity of corroded bolted assembly MULTIDISCIPLINE MODELING IN MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of supported Cu-doped ZnO nanostructures prepared by SILAR method Optical Materials
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction and quantitative analysis of natural antioxidants from Moroccan Opuntia ficus-barbarica flowers Journal of Food Processind and Preservation
Modeling and prediction of the average roughness of UNS S31600 in superfinishing turning MULTIDISCIPLINE MODELING IN MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES
Acorn Oil: Chemistry and Functionality Journal of Food Quality
Two-Parameter Stochastic Weibull Diffusion Model: Statistical Inference and Application to Real Modeling Example Mathematics
Optimal control of viral infection model with saturated infection rate Numerical Algebra, Control & Optimization
Apport des techniques de sélection de modèles et de variables pour la modélisation de risque de liquidité en finance islamique Researches and Applications in Islamic Finance
Barriers to Information Technology Adoption Within Small and Medium Enterprises: A Systematic Literature Review International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
A Binary Crow Search Algorithm for Solving Two-dimensional Bin Packing Problem with Fixed Orientation Procedia Computer Science
Assessing the impact of enterprise resource planning on decision-making quality An empirical study Kybernetes
Global stability analysis of a two-strain epidemic model with non-monotone incidence rates Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Impact of Health and Literacy on Economic Growth in Morocco International Business Research
Powers of the Stochastic Gompertz and Lognormal Diffusion Processes, Statistical Inference and Simulation mathematics
Harvesting Islamic risk premium with long–short strategies: A time scale decomposition using the wavelet theory International Journal of Finance and Economics
Numerical analysis of the European and American options with the SPH method International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation
Pricing European and American Options by SPH Method International Journal of Computational Methods
Management and monitoring of the Displaced Commercial Risk: a prescriptive Approach. International Journal of Emerging Markets
Stochastic viral infection model with lytic and nonlytic immune responses driven by Lévy noise Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Mathematical analysis of a fractional differential model of HBV infection with antibody immune response Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Numerical Simulation of the Black-Scholes Equation using the SPH method. International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation,
Improving Driver Assistance in Intelligent Transportation Systems: An Agent-Based Evidential Reasoning Approach, Journal of Advanced Transportation
Murabaha and Musharakah Moutanaquissah Pricing: An interest free approach Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research,
Modeling car loan prepayment using supervised machine learning Procedia Computer Science
A stochastic diffusion process based on the Lundqvist–Korf growth: Computational aspects and simulation Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Stopping Criteria Based on the Reciprocity Gap Concept for Data Boundary Recovering Applied and Comutaional Mathematics
BreakHis based Breast Cancer Automatic Diagnosis using Deep Learning: Taxonomy, Survey and Insights Neurocomputing
A correlative approach, combining energy consumption, urbanization and GDP, for modeling and forecasting Morocco’s residential energy consumption International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering
ISO 14001 combined to cost deployment (EMS-CD): a new financial vision International Journal of Production Research
Thin films derived from Zn(Al)O mixed metal oxides nanoparticles dispersed in polyethylene glycol: Structural, morphological and optical properties Ceramics International
Co2+ removal from wastewater using apatite prepared through phosphate waste rocks valorization : Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics studies Scientific African
Valorization of phosphate waste rocks to Ag3PO4/hydroxyapatite for photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B under visible light irradiation Water Science and Technology
Efficient sequestration of carbon dioxide into calcium carbonate using a novel carbonic anhydrase purified from liver of camel (Camelus dromedarius) Journal of CO2 Utilization
DDoS Flooding Attack Mitigation in Software Defined Networks International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
A Cloud Broker Architecture for Cloud Service Selection based on Multi-criteria Decision Making and Rough Set Theory International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
A recent survey of Arabic named entity recognition on social media Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle
Energy efficient strategy for virtual machines consolidation in cloud environment Soft Computing
Performance Evaluation and Tuning of an IEEE 802.11 Audio Video Multicast Collision Prevention Mechanism Wireless Networks
DevSecOps practices for an agile and secure IT service management Journal of Management Information and Decision Science
Features Detection based Blind Handover using Kullback Leibler Distance for 5G Hetnets Systems IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
An overview of routing protocols in vehicular AD HOC networks (Vanets) International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Dynamic Scalability Model for Containerized Cloud Services  Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Arabic named entity recognition based on treebased pipeline optimization tool Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Enhanced solid-flow: An Enhanced Flow Rules Security Mechanism for SDN IAENG International Journal of Computer Science
Secure Software Defined Networks Controller Storage using Intel Software Guard Extensions International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
Cybersecurity management in cloud computing: semantic literature review and conceptual framework proposal Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments
Application of wireless sensor networks in the field of irrigation: A review Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Barriers to the Adoption of Smart Grids in Morocco Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
A DEA-Based Hybrid Framework to Evaluate the Performance of Port Container IEEE Xplore
An Enhanced Moth-Flame Optimizer for Reliability Analysis Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Barriers to the Adoption of Smart Grids in Morocco IEEE Xplore
Comparative Study of Metaheuristics methods applied to Smart Grid Network in Morocco IEEE Xplore
MQTT_SN_QOS: An enhanced MQTT protocol for wireless sensor network in smart parking IEEE Xplore
Multi agent approach for environmental customer collaboration IEEE Xplore
Performance improvement for vehicular communications using alamouti scheme with high mobility IEEE Xplore
A new approach for the conception of an information system related to the medicines supply chain in Morocco IEEE Xplore
Analysis, Design, and Manufacture of a Compact UHF RFID Antenna for Operating in a Metallic or Nom-Metallic Environments IEEE Xplore
Multi agent approach for environmental customer collaboration IEEE Xplore
Compact Antenne for UHF-RFID Tag Tested on Human Body for Identification Cards IEEE Xplore
A correlative approach, combining energy consumption, urbanization and GDP, for modeling and forecasting Morocco’s residential energy consumption IEEE Xplore
Methodology for integrated management system improvement: combining costs deployment and value stream mapping IEEE Xplore
Survey on deep learning applied to predictive maintenance IEEE Xplore
Evaluate the Performance of Port Container Using an Hybrid Framework IEEE Xplore
Evaluate the Performance of Port Container Using an Hybrid Framework IEEE Xplore
Multiobjective aerodynamic shape optimization of NACA0012 airfoil based mesh morphing IEEE Xplore
A new approach to solve perturbed symmetric eigenvalue problems IEEE Xplore
Evaluation of thermal losses for welded structures IEEE Xplore
Improved Grey-Wolf Optimizer for Reliability Analysis Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Heat generation in materials by mechanical vibrations IEEE Xplore
An innovative adapter to use smartphone flashlight as a light source for endoscopy in emergency and lmics IEEE Xplore
Rotating machines energy loss due to unbalance IEEE Xplore
Innovative design and realization of a smart rotary composter with a remote management system IEEE Xplore
Prognosis of a degradable hydraulic system: Application on a centrifugal pump IEEE Xplore
A new method for hyperspectral reduction based on the trend of the electromagnetic range IEEE Xplore
Prognosis of a degradable hydraulic system: Application on a centrifugal pump IEEE Xplore
A simplified model to calculate the power absorbed for the movement of organic waste in a rotary composter: Industrial case study IEEE Xplore
An efficient reduced model applied to the study of the mechanical reliability of an aircraft’s wing IEEE Xplore
A hybrid framework for evaluating the performance of port container terminal operations: Moroccan case study IEEE Xplore
A hybrid framework for evaluating the performance of port container terminal operations: Moroccan case study Scientific Journal of Maritime Research
Comparative Study of Metaheuristics methods applied to Smart Grid Network in Morocco International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)
Multi agent approach for environmental customer collaboration International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Artificial neural network based hybrid metaheuristics for reliability analysis IFAC-PapersOnLine
Artificial neural network based hybrid metaheuristics for reliability analysis IFAC-PapersOnLine
Monitoring energy consumption based on predictive maintenance techniques Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer International Publishing
Heat loss in industry: Boiler performance analysis Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer International Publishing
Industrial energy audit methodology for improving energy efficiency – A case study Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer International Publishing
An efficient reduced model applied to the study of the mechanical reliability of an aircraft’s wing International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
Comparative Study of Metaheuristics methods applied to Smart Grid Network in Morocco International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)
Towards a platform to implement an intelligent and predictive maintenance in the context of industry 4.0 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer
A DEA-ANN framework based in Improved Grey Wolf Algorithm to evaluate the performance of container terminal. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
A DEA-ANN framework based in Improved Grey Wolf Algorithm to evaluate the performance of container terminal. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Systematic review of literature on dry port – concept evolution ToMS
Systematic review of literature on dry port – concept evolution ToMS
Efficiency Analysis of Performance in Container Terminals, Case Study of Moroccan Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Efficiency Analysis of Performance in Container Terminals, Case Study of Moroccan Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Integration of a Prognosis Model of a Rotating Microwave Oven Guidance System Subject to Linear Degradation Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Integration of a Prognosis Model of a Rotating Microwave Oven Guidance System Subject to Linear Degradation Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Integrated Procurement, Production and Distribution Under Mass-Customization: Case of Moroccan Automotive Industry Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
3D Objects Learning and Recognition Using Boosted-SVM Algorithm Springer  Cham « Innovation in Information Systems and Technologies to Support Learning Research »
in the Loop Implementation of Sliding Mode and Super Twisting Sliding Mode Controllers Combined with an Extended Kalman Observer for Wind Energy System Involving a DFIG International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)
Formal approach to model complex adaptive computing systems Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, Springer
Existence results for a class of nonlinear parabolic equations of generalized porous medium type with measure data Ricerche mat
Nonlinear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficient and singular lower order term Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Existence and regularity results for nonlinear parabolic equations with quadratic growth with  respect to the gradient Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2
Null controllability for singular cascade systems of n-coupled degenerate parabolic equations by one control force EVOLUTION EQUATIONS AND CONTROL THEORY
An inverse backward problem for degenerate two-dimensional parabolic equation Opuscula Mathematica
Analysis and numeric of mixed approach for frictional contact problem in electro-elasticity Open Journal of Mathematical Analysis (OMA)
Dual methods for frictional contact problem with electroelastic-locking materials Optimization  A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research
C-ALGEBRA VALUED NUMERICAL RANGE FOR ADJOINTABLE OPERATORS International J. Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications
Quasi-interpolant operators in Bernstein basis Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Uniform algebraic hyperbolic spline quasi‐interpolant based on mean integral values Comp and Math Methods
A new structure of a wide band bridge power limiter International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Optimality Conditions and a Method of Centers for Minimax Fractional Programs with Difference of Convex Functions Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Numerical Analysis Of The Penalty Method For Unilateral Contact Problem With Tresca’s Friction In Thermo-Electro-Visco-Elasticity. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS
A DC approach for minimax fractional optimization programs with ratios of convex functions Optimization Methods and Software
Linear and nonlinear controllers of a solar photovoltaic water pumping system Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Design and investigations of MPPT strategies for a wind energy conversion system based on doubly fed induction generator International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Numerical solution of two-dimensional Fredholm–Hammerstein integral equations on 2D irregular domains by using modified moving least-square method International Journal of Computer Mathematics
Inverse problem for a degenerate/singular parabolic system with Neumann boundary conditions Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems
Solving Two-dimensional Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Integral Equations Using Moving Least Squares and Modified Moving Least Squares methods IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics
Antilock Braking System Formal Modeling Handbook of Research on RecentRecent Developments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Image Reconstruction in Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Adaptive Moment Gradient Based Optimizers: A Statistical Study MDPI Applied Sciences
Integral Backstepping Based Nonlinear Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking and Unity Power Factor of a Grid Connected Hybrid Wind-Photovoltaic System Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
Selecting, sorting and ranking association rules with multiple criteria using dominance relation Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal
Image reconstruction in diffuse optical tomography using adaptive moment gradient based optimizers: A statistical study applied sciences
Nonlinear evolution equations with noncoercive lower order terms Applicable Analysis
Adaptive Backstepping control of induction motor supplied by photovoltaic generator International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Analysis and Design of a New Miniature Microstrip BPF Based on Metamaterial and Dumbbell DGS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY (IJMOT)
A novel miniature coplanar band-pass filter for ISM applications Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
A trade-off design of microstrip broadband power amplifier for UHF applications International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Analyzing Social Media Opinions Using Hybrid Machine Learning Model Based on Artificial Neural Network Optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Big Data for Context-Aware Computing  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Lean methods from manufacturing to health care amelioration Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Model Transformation from Object Relational Database to NoSQL Column Based Database ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
A wearable UHF RFID tag antenna-basedmetamaterial for biomedical applications Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Approach to Combine an Ontology-Based on Payment System with Neural Network for Transaction Fraud Detection Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal
UML/OCL based design and the transition towards temporal object relational database with bitemporal data Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences
Robust Parameter Estimation of an Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Battery Using Adaptive Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Squares International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems
Band-pass filter based on complementary split ring resonator TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Semantic oriented data modeling for enterprise application engineering using semantic web languages International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Evaluation criteria for RDF triplestores with an application to allegrograph International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Improved MPPT controls for a standalone PV/wind/battery hybrid energy system International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)
Improvement of selectivity and compactness of novel CPW reconfigurable LPF/BPF Using T-shaped resonators for microwave applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY (IJMOT)
Microstrip Power Amplifier Design for ISM Band Using Balanced Amplifier Topology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY (IJMOT)
ontext modeling-based healthcare architecture in Pervasive Computing International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Modeling and transformation from temporal object relational database into mongodb: Rules Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems
A novel concept of a miniature CPW band stop filter using omega resonators for radar applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY
Miniaturized ultra-wideband coplanarwaveguide lowpass filter with extended stop band Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
Design of L-S band broadband power amplifier using microstip lines International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Intelligent Urban Transport Decision Analysis System Based on Mining in Big Data Analytics and Data Warehouse Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Comparative study of forecasting methods for energy demand in Morocco Energy Reports-
Broadband planar 90 degrees loaded-stub phase shifter TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Gravity and magnetic data processing further constrained inversion for 3D modelling and tonnage calculation Applied Earth Science Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy
OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS OF FRICTION STIR WELDED JOINT OF AA2024 AND AA7050 BY RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development
EFFECT OF WELDING REPAIRS ON THE QUALITY OF 304H STAINLESS STEEL WELDING JOINT International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development
Combining SWAT Model and Regionalization Approach to Estimate Soil Erosion under Limited Data Availability Conditions Eurasian Soil Science
Potential-field geophysical data inversion for 3D modelling and reserve estimation (Example of the Hajjar mine, Guemassa massif, Morocco): magnetic and gravity data case Comptes Rendus Géoscience — Sciences de la Planète
Kinetic Study of Calcium Phosphate Precipitation in the System H3PO4-Ca(OH)2-H2O at 30°C International Journal of Chemical Engineering
Combined analysis of helicopter-borne magnetic and stream sediment geochemical data around an ancient Tiouit gold mine (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Geological and mining interpretations Journal of African Earth Sciences
Comparing load balancing algorithms for web application in cloud environment Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Blockchain to succeed IoT in Smart City – State of the art International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (
IoT security: Challenges and countermeasures Procedia Computer Science
A dynamic task scheduling algorithm for cloud computing environment Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications,
Improved W-LEACH Decentralized protocol with game theory Elsevier ,(Procedia Computer Science)
Fast Cloud–Paillier homomorphic schemes for protecting confidentiality of sensitive data in cloud computing Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Data mining classification algorithms International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
Barriers to Information Technology Adoption Within Small and Medium Enterprises: A Systematic Literature Review International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
An innovative adapter to use smartphone flashlight as a light source for endoscopy in emergency and lmics International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
A new pedestrians’ intuitionistic fuzzy risk exposure indicator and big data trajectories analytics on Spark-Hadoop ecosystem Procedia Computer Science
Modern approach to design a distributed and scalable platform architecture for smart cities complex events data collection Procedia Computer Science
Fuzzy similarities for road environment-type detection by a connected vehicle from traffic sign probabilistic data Procedia Computer Science
IoT and Big Data Analytics for Smart Buildings: A Survey Procedia Computer Science
Assessing the impact of enterprise resource planning on decision-making quality: An empirical study Kybernetes
Investigation of microwave power limiter for Industrial Scientific Medical band (ISM) applications International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
ESP Needs Analysis of Business Students in Morocco: Case Study of the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Law Hassan I University International Arab Journal of English for Specific Puropses
Thermal and Energetic Contributions of PCM Plaster According to its Location and Type of Masonry—Experimental and Numerical Studies in a City With a Temperate Mediterranean Climate IEEE Access
Towards a reactive system for managing big trajectory data Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Performance assessment of business incubators: Towards a systematic literature review nternational Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics
A compact triple band antenna for military satellite communication, radar and fifth generation applications Advanced Electromagnetics
Structural and dielectric properties of K2O-TiO2-P2O5 glass and its associated glass-ceramic Materials Today: Proceedings
Complex impedance and Raman spectroscopy of Na0.5(Bi1-xDyx)0.5TiO3 ceramics Ceramics International
Quantification of Passive Ventilation Produced by Manual Chest Compressions Using a New CPR Feedback Device J. Med. Devices
Technical Assessment Of A Photovoltaic  Panel And A Wind Domestic Turbine Systems  In Morocco European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
Three-phase four-wire shunt active power filter based on the SOGI filter and Lyapunov function for DC bus control INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (Int J Circ Theor Appl.)
Real‑time emulation of photovoltaic energy using adaptive state feedback control SN Applied Sciences
Effect of alkali-mixed content and thermally untreated phosphate sludge dosages on some properties of metakaolin based geopolymer material Materials Chemistry and Physics
Fully Automatic Computer-Aided Detection of Breast Cancer based on Genetic Algorithm Optimization  IEEE Xplore
Photovoltaic emulator of different solar array configurations under partial shading conditions using damping injection controller International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)
Genetic algorithm based sliding mode controller for high-performance pv source emulator Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
Adaptive Local Gray-Level Transformation Based on Variable S-Curve for Contrast Enhancement of Mammogram Images Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence
A New PV Source Emulator based on Modified  Hybrid Referencing Technique with Nonlinear  Lyapunov Controller  IEEE Xplore
Sub and super-critical extraction of oils from Moroccan oil shale with ammonia Materials Today: Proceedings
Optical and electrical properties of manganese doped-alkali metaphosphate glasses Materials Today: Proceedings
Structural, optical, and dielectric properties of the BaO–TiO2–P2O5 glasses Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
Structural, optical, and dielectric properties of the BaO–TiO 2–P 2 O 5 glasses Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
Crystal structure and optical properties of a new nickel magnesium diphosphate Journal of Molecular Structure
Structural investigation of SrO-BaO-TiO2-B2O3-P2O5 glass-ceramics Materials Today: Proceedings
Thermal, optical and electrical properties of MnO2-doped mixed sodium potassium phosphate glasses Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Automatic Mammogram image Breast Abnormality Detection  and localization based on the combination of k-means and  Genetic algorithms methods International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Structural, dielectric, electrocaloric and energy storage properties of lead free Ba0.975La0.017(ZrxTi0.95-x)Sn0.05O3 (x = 0.05; 0.20) ceramics Materials Chemistry and Physics
A Contrast Enhancement Model for X-Ray Mammograms Using Modied Local s-Curve Transformation Based on Multi-Objective Optimizatio IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
ESR, physical and structural studies on Mn2+ doped in mixed alkali phosphate glasses Materials Today: Proceedings
Optimization Studies of Porous Carbon Preparation from Oil Shale Using Response Surface Methodology and Its Application for Phenol Adsorption Chemical Research in Chinese Universities
Elaboration, Thermal and Structural Approach of Manganese Phosphate Glasses Inside the System of K2O-MnO2-P2O5 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Structural and Mössbauer Studies of Sr1.5Ca1.5Fe2.25Mo0.75O9−δ and Sr1.92Ca1.08Fe2.04W0.96O9−δ Double Perovskites Journal of Structural Chemistry
Structural, optical, and dielectric properties of Bi2O3-K2O-TiO2-P2O5 glasses and related glass-ceramics Phase Transitions
Use of clays by-products from phosphate mines for the manufacture of sustainable lightweight aggregates Journal of Cleaner Production
Design and characterization of novel manganite perovskites Ba1-xBixTi1-xMnxO3 (0≤x≤0.2) Ceramics International
Design and characterization of novel manganite perovskites Ba1-xBixTi1-xMnxO3 (0≤ x≤ 0.2) Ceramics International
Statistical modeling of geopolymers from dual-alkali activation of un-calcined phosphate sludge and their potential applications as sustainable coating materials Journal of Cleaner Production
Thermal, mechanical and microstructural properties of acidic geopolymer based on moroccan kaolinitic clay Journal of Building Engineering,
Effect of synthetic fibers on the properties of geopolymers based on non-heat treated phosphate mine tailing Materials Chemistry and Physics
Manufacturing of high-performance ceramics using clays by-product from phosphate mines Materials Today: Proceedings
level-crossed: a solution for energy saving in wireless sensor networks Journal of Electrical Systems
Effect of the Ba/K ratio on structural, dielectric and energy storage properties of BaO–K2O–TiO2–P2O5 glass-ceramics European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
Morbidity and Related Factors among Elderly People: A Cross Sectional Study Exploring Gender Differences Iranian Journal of Public Health
Monte Carlo Geant4 Simulations of Protons Lateral Deviation in Liquid Water Test Engineering and Management 82
Synthesis, structural and crystal size effect on the optical properties of sprayed TiO2 thin films: Experiment and DFT TB-mbj Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Space-time COVID-19 monitoring in Morocco Pan African Medical Journal
Infectious risk of the hospital environment in centre of Morocco: case of care unit surfaces Scientifica, ISSN : 2090908 (In press)
Assessment of quality of life in children, adolescents, and adults with celiac disease through specific questionnaires: Review. Nutrition Clinique et metabolism
Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol Nature
Investigation on Mo-doped SnO2 for potential use in magnetoelectronic applications: The DFT framework, International Journal of Modern Physics International Journal of Modern Physics B
Improved RIDIT statistic approach provides more intuitive and informative interpretation of EQ-5D data Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Health-related quality of life and behavior-related lifestyle changes due to the COVID-19 home confinement: Dataset from a Moroccan sample Data brief
Dosimetric Comparison of 3D Conformal Radiotherapy (3D-CRT) , and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT®) in Prostate Cancer Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems
The hidden Markov chain modelling of the COVID-19 spreading using Moroccan dataset Data brief
السياسة السكنية : من السكن الاجتماعي  الى سكن الفئات المتوسطة لمجلة المغربية للسياسات العمومية ,المغرب الاجتماعي  2008_2009
التدبير المفوض دراسة مقارنة بين النموذج المغربي والفرنسي مجلة دفاتر القانون والاقتصاد منشورات كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية سطات
نظرة الحضري والقروي لظاهرة الأمهات العازبات دفاتر القانون والاقتصاد والتدبير , العدد الرابع ,دورية نصف سنوية تصدر عن كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية بسطات
اللامركزية في بعدها الجهوي كمقاربة اصلاحية سياسية وتدبيرية بالمغرب الانتقال الديمقراطي وإصلاح الإدارة العمومية بالدول المغاربية  » التفاعلات, الرهانات والأفاق منشورات  حوارات – مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية  – سلسلة ندوات ومنتديات -1-
سؤال ملاءمة الاطار القانوني للوظيفة العمومية مع مقتضيات دستور2011 Réformes constitutionnelles et Administration ( Coordination)  publique,Abderahmane Zanane  ( Coordination  scientifique)
الفساد عائق التنمية التنمية في الوطن العربي، منشورات مركز نماء
التدبير المفوض بين التنظير والتطبيق المجلة المغربية للإدارة المحلية والتنمية عدد61
المبادرة المغربية لتخويل الصحراء حكما ذاتيا كألية لإيجاد حل للنزاع القائم العلاقات بين تركيا والشرق الأوسط وفرص التعاون الاقليمي Institute of Strategic Thinking ; Ankara,Turkey
أي تأطير قانوني للشراكة بين القطاع العام والخاص ؟ Vers un cadre juridique des contrats de partenariat public-privé au Maroc ,Ahmed El Hajjami (Coordination scientifique)
الحكم الذاتي معلمة المغرب , ملحق (ج 3)
المينورسو معلمة المغرب , ملحق (ج4)
محاربة الفساد بالمغرب أين الخلل؟ إصدار كلية الحقوق بمراكش
القطاع الأمني بالمغرب وسؤال الدمقرطة سؤال دمقرطة القطاع الأمني بدول المغرب الكبير- سلسلة ندوات ومنتديات -2-2015 -منشورات حوارات – مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية
The Public administration and democratic transformation in Morocco : The public  service and the Necessity of accommodating the requirements of the 2011 Constitution حوارات –  مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية – العدد 1, السنة 2015
مكانة دساتيراللاندر في الهيكلة الفيدرالية الألمانية
 بين التعددية والوحدة
Le droit constitutionnel des collectivités territoriales : études comparées.
الصفقات العمومية بالمغرب أي إصلاح؟ المجلة المغربية للإدارة المحلية والتنمية « remald » » عدد 119
الهيئة الوطنية للنزاهة والوقاية من الرشوة ومحاربتها: الرهانات والافاق انظمة الرقابة والتقييم: أية افاق لترسيخ الحكامة الجيدة للشأن العام؟ » كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية جامعة ابن زهر، أكادير
الحكامة الترابية التشاركية: منظور تشاركي لدور الساكنة والمجتمع المدني في التدبير التنموي حوارات مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية – سلسلة أبحاث وأطروحات, عدد 2

The Moroccan new immigration policy and the constitutional protection of fundamental human rights of migrants

مسارات العلم والحياة : في التأسيس والالتزام – العلوم الاجتماعية والتفكير في قضايا : السياسة ,الدولة , السياسات , الجزء الثاني ( مؤلف جماعي تكريمي للأستاذ عبد الله ساعف ) المجلة المغربية للسياسات العمومية
الطائفية والدولة الحديثة

الطائفية وتفكيك الامة، مؤلف جماعي

دليل المشاركة المواطنة دليل المشاركة المواطنة
المشاركة السياسية للمرأة في المغرب:من الاشراك الى المناصفة في ظل دستور 2011 المجلة العربية للدراسات القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية العدد الاول
قيم التعاقد السياسي في الإسلام مجلة تحولات معاصرة
خصوصية الجنح والمخالفات الجمركية على ضوء التشريع المغربي المجلة العربية للدراسات القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية
تطوير نظام اللاتمركز: رهان حتمي لخيار الجهوية المتقدمة المجلة المغربية للدراسات القانونية والاقتصادية
الجهوية المتقدمة بالمغرب: أي دور للتقطيع الجهوي في تفعيل التنمية الترابية حوارات- مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية – سلسلة المجلة الفصلية عدد مزدوج رقم 2و3
مخاطر اللاعدالة المجالية على مسلسل الانتقال الديمقراطي بالمغرب  العدالة المجالية بين النص والواقع , منشورات جمعية أجدير ايزيران للثقافة الأمازيغية
شركات التنمية المحلية في المغرب مدخل لتحديد المفهوم المجلة العربية للدراسات القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية العدد الثاني
تماس الديمقراطيتين التمثيلية والشاركية: العرائض نموذجا مجلة العلوم القانونية
التقطيع الجهوي ومسلسل التشكل الترابي بالمغرب(السياق، والوظائف والأبعاد)  كتاب
المشاركة السياسية والانتخابية للمرأة القروية بالمغرب حوارات مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية – عدد مزدوج 4و5
ترابط  الحق في التنمية والهجرة الهجرة في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط وحقوق الإنسان, التنسيق العلمي لادريس لكريني
دليل العرائض بالمغرب منشورات حوارات مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية – سلسلة أعداد خاصة
الانتخابات الرئاسية الفرنسية لعام 2017 دلالاتها ومخرجاتها على صعيد السياسة الخارجية الفرنسية حوارات- مجلة الدراسات السياسية والاجتماعية ، عدد مزدوج 4-5 سنة
التنمية والديمقراطية: تجربة كوريا الجنوبية نموذجا منشورات مركز الدراسات والابحاث في الفكر والمجتمع،
دور مراكز البحث في انتاج الدراسات وتطوير المعرفة نموذج مراكز البحث بالمغرب مجلة رهانات صادرة عن مركز الدراسات والابحاث الانسانية -مدى- عدد مزدوج 48-49
تأملات في التوجهات القيمية الحقوقية والمصالح الاستيراتيجية للسياسة الأرومتوسطية المجلة المغربية للإدارة المحلية والتنمية, التنسيق العلمي لادريس لكريني والحسين شكراني
  التحكيم في منازعات عقود النفط بأنظمة دول المغرب العربي مقارنة بأنظمة دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية مجلة التحكيم  و القانون الخليجي